
Showing posts from April, 2021

Importance of Face Massages

The act of skin care is an important practice as it provides us with quality time with ourselves. It is definitely another form of self care. Apart from this, there are many benefits that this wave of face massaging for skin care has bought about. Although it has been a practice that has been deep routed in the history of skin care, the practices and importance of the same have recently risen to new heights. The trending face massage rollers and stones are proof of so. Some benefits of face massaging are: Unwinding tensed muscles One of the greatest benefits of face massaging is releasing the tension of the face muscles. With the popularity of online work and education, our face muscles are under constant constraint. Face massaging releases the tension from the said face muscles and relaxes our face. This also deeply helps in de-stressing and is a great addition to one’s routine after hard days of work. Lymphatic Drainage This refers to the fluids that are often built up on th